Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hanging on the Vine

This morning I sat at the kitchen table, finally having the words to pray all the feelings that yesterday kept me "busily" hidden.  I prayed this:

It is sad to think that this could be my last night at Fusion and not even know for sure.  I wish this could have been more planned so I could spend time with certain people and everything.  To be honest, God, I don't really believe that I'll get a job this week.  I have no leads on jobs I've already applied for, and it's not likely that any I apply to this week will hire me by Friday.  God, I'm so eager for your answer!  It looks like nothing is working!!  What is the purpose of making me wait THIS long?!  (At this point I actually paused and hoped to hear God's voice audibly.)

I know that whatever God's plan is, it's worth waiting for.  The waiting is so, so, so hard right now.


  1. I know how hard it is to have to wait and not know where your life is going. It is frustrating at times, but it looks like you're turning to the right place to store your frustrations because God knows the plan for your life! I will be praying for you Sarah!

    1. Thanks Lori! I appreciate your prayers a LOT. :-)

  2. Wait! I didn't know that was your last FUSION. Frick! That can't be your last FUSION. It simply can't be. If you must go, the you MUST be sent. Thats in the Bible. Sooooo

    1. PC! You knew that I might be moving the last weekend of the month! Unless I get hired today or tomorrow I will be moving on Sunday. I still don't have a renter, so if I get a job in Sac after that then I'll be back.
