Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Blessed (adj.) - divinely or supremely favored; fortunate; blissfully happy or content

This adjective describes tonight.  Mustaches, glasses, hats, scarves, jackets, and masks made tonight unique, but it's something deeper that makes this group of women unique.  We are each unique from each other, a mix of many different personalities, backgrounds, dreams, and quirks.  Despite (or maybe partially because of) our differences, our hearts are connected.  We know each other.  We know the things each of us are striving toward.  We can encourage each other in ways other friends often can't.  The love in this group is strong, unending, and hopeful.

After they covered me in prayer and departed with hugs, I ate a snack, did a crossword puzzle, and came up with the words I was at a loss for earlier tonight:

To my Wednesday night girls,
You have blessed me.  My experience in Sacramento has been made worthwhile because of the relationships that you built in my living room(s), the stories you shared, the deep heart issues you poured out, the tears you cried, the hugs you've given, the prayers you've prayed, and the words you've spoken.  Thanks to each of you girls for being vulnerable and sharing with each other and me the love that the Christ gave you.  Thank you for appreciating each other, caring genuinely for one another, and living in community together.  Thank you for seeking God.

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