Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A List Like This

Inspired by my friend PC's post, I've copied him and compiled a list of my own.

At age three I met my best friend, whose friendship over the years has been witness to my joys and delights, my sorrows and struggles, and every milestone in between.
I attended small elementary and middle schools that had clean bathrooms and half-days on Fridays.
My childhood memories do not include fights with my siblings.
Much of my childhood, adolescence, and beyond has been spent in dancing shoes.
I have been fed delicious food at a full table surrounded by family and friends.
I have an extended family that loves deeply.
I was born to a mother who often times has known me better than I know myself, makes me laugh to no end, and never stops teaching me.
I have had the privilege of education, one of the biggest gifts I could ever receive.
I have an intelligent father who faithfully provides for a family in which he takes greatest pride.
I have had the opportunity to glimpse into another culture, language, and people that have shown me a different perspective on human rights, acceptance in society, and interpersonal communication.
My future holds the potential for a career that completely fascinates me.
EVERY chapter of my life has been graced by a friend to look up to, an encourager, a teacher, a follower of God willing to love me however I needed it most.
I have been shown a mercy that I can barely begin to understand.
I have made “huge” mistakes that God has used as huge opportunities to love me, grow me, and draw me near to Him.
I have been redeemed and am constantly being made new in Christ. Each night I am put to rest with the unfailing assurance that “it’s okay”.

1 comment:

  1. I love this list. I love how much you included your family in so many of the items.
