Friday, February 25, 2011

Fasting Friday

hunger – the painful sensation or state of weakness caused by the need of food

You are our food, our bread of life, God. You feed our souls, and without you we are in a
painful and weak condition. Our lives cannot grow without your sustenance.

I pray the people of FUSION would feel this hunger, that we would crave you and rely
on you to strengthen and energize us through each day. I pray we would never get
enough of you, never feel full enough.

I pray that this hunger for you would lead us to hunger for each other. I pray we would
hunger for deep relationship and true community. I pray we would learn to value and
honor one another for our differences. I pray we would see in each other the gifts that
you have given us. I pray we would serve one another in unconditional love. Open our
hearts and minds to forgive one another and come together as a family.

Thank you for each one of us who you have brought together. Thank you for each person
who will enter the Chapel on Sunday. I pray that we would welcome them in and that
they would see how you are working at FUSION. I pray that you would be glorified.


  1. I love it! I want to see people's prayers for one another shared somehow.
