Monday, April 23, 2012

When Opportunity Knocks!

You know that feeling you get when you're on the brink of something amazing?  That's me today!  God has recently been opening my eyes to how deeply passionate I am about certain things.  Dancing and writing are no longer simply things I like; it's becoming impossible not to devote time to them. I have always known I liked this stuff, but I'm now realizing that these passions were planted in my heart by God for specific reasons.  I don't know what those reasons are yet, but things are about to happen.  There are some really amazing opportunities just past the tips of my fingers.  Mark my words - this is going to be the summer of opening doors!

It's becoming more and more apparent that God delights in giving me the desires of my heart.  I line up my heart with His, He plants the desires, and then I get to watch them blossom as He fulfills them!

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