Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Believing Truth

Another thing I thought was interesting from the women's event was the statement, "What we believe about ourselves may be the chief obstacle to our believing the truth about God."

If we believe our sins are too big to be forgiven, then we are not believing in the full capacity of God's grace.  If we believe our problems are too small to pray about, then we are not believing that God's love stretches to the minute details of our lives.

But in reality, who God truly is DETERMINES who we are.

If God loves unconditionally, then we are unconditionally loved.  If God is the Great Provider, then we are completely taken care of.  If God is our strong foundation, then we cannot be broken or crumbled.  If God is our fortress, then we cannot be conquered.  If God is our potter, then we are his clay.

This challenges me to search scripture for hints at who God is whenever I read it, and think about THAT rather than who I am.

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