Saturday, April 30, 2011

Soul Garage

This weekend I attended the women's spring event at my church.  Normally I guess they hold it in Santa Cruz or something, but they held it at the church this year to make it cheaper for everyone.  The event was Friday evening and most of the day Saturday.  There was great food, a very gifted speaker, workshops, games, prizes, and music.

At the beginning of the program Friday night, the worship leader Chaya shared her testimony.  Her biological mom had given birth to her at a very young age, so her grandparents raised her.  Her biological mom passed away.  She shared that she chose to become bitter about life's circumstances, and she let that bitterness take over her life and rule a lot of decisions she made for a long time.  In a recent conversation with a friend, she confessed to feeling embarrassed by all the time she wasted not following God.  Her friend replied that she should not waste time now by being embarrassed.

How can I better use my past experiences to glorify God?  What experiences have you been through that can be used to testify God's glory?

Stay tuned for more of what God showed me this weekend!

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