Monday, March 28, 2011

Attitude Adjustment

The devotional I'm going through is teaching me about being a woman of "biblical femininity".  It's blowing my mind!

Characteristics that embody biblical femininity include caring for family, honoring authorities, helping those in need, and exercising God-given talents.  A woman of biblical femininity most importantly fears God (Brownback, 2010).

The devotional entry that has caught my attention most strongly is titled "A Pure Woman Has a Gentle and Quiet Spirit".  The author defines biblical quietness as "the trait that enables us to exhibit trust in God and to rest in the circumstances in which he has called us to live."  The more I think about this, the harder it seems for me to practice it!  Lately I have felt bombarded by circumstances that are, shall we say, "alternative" to ideal.  The temptation to gripe, complain, and allow a bad attitude to fester and infect my heart's motives (and, in turn, my actions) has at times been overwhelming.  My prayer is that God would continue to reveal to me ways that I exhibit more "worldly femininity" than biblical femininity.  I pray that God will change my heart so that my actions exhibit my trust in him in all circumstances.

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