Something God is currently teaching me is that no one is keeping track. Of anything.
A few weeks ago I sat around a table with a tremendous bunch of people, telling them how I consistently felt I was falling short in each of my closest relationships. I'm thankful to be included in this group who God uses to dig deep into each other's lives, rooting out toxic paradigms and replacing them with truth and clarity.
My feelings of inadequacy as a daughter, sister, cousin, friend, girlfriend, roommate, human, etc. - which would so graciously surface anytime someone offered me love in any form I was unable to give back in return - were uncovered on the table before my friends.
There are no accountants of love, because true love involves no record-keeping. I am not in debt with love. It is not measured. I can give selflessly to others, and I can receive freely the love others give to me. I'm learning to surrender to God my attempts to make everything "even" and instead just love simply. When I can and how I can. And receive the love that others give me when and how they can, without feeling bad for receiving it. Because love doesn't go dutch.