Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Midsummer Storm

I planned on saving more money this summer. I planned on being at my current job for the next two years. I planned on being ready to move into a new place right about now.

Instead, I lived on a tight budget to pay the ridiculous student fees for a summer class (and accrued a good chunk of debt to my parents for the class’ tuition). I have no idea what my job situation will be in a month. Each day at the office I’m made more aware of the uncertainty rather than guided by helpful information. It’s hard to sign a lease without any potential roommates and the possibility of not having a job soon, so the prospect of moving back to my parents’ house in my hometown once again looms in the distance.

“Well, at least you just did this whole thing a couple months ago so you’re used to it!” someone chidingly encouraged me.

It’s true. My life in January was a less comfortable version of my life today. Circumstances are similar, but I learned how strong I was when I activated Christ’s power in me. I saw Him carry me through the storm, blessing me the whole way. That storm was full of downpour, lightning, and thunder…that’s why this one is just a mild sprinkle. The same questions have not weighed on my mind this time because they’ve already been answered.

Though I would say that my body is exhibiting some symptoms of stress, my spirit is still and peaceful. That’s why it’s good to go through life’s storms. Because there’s always a storm in the distance, and you’ll know how be more still the next time.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Beautiful Truth

I wrote this last Thursday, July 5th...

This morning I read Psalm 72. Here are some things about God in this text:
God wants rulers/leaders to be just and righteous.
God cares for the poor, oppressed, weak, and needy.
God helps us know how to treat people.
God is worthy of fear.
God does wonderful things
God is glorious and worthy of praise forever.

These are only some of the beautiful truths about you, God. You are so wonderful and worthy of praise. You are ever molding the hearts of your children and revealing yourself to us. It is only because of you that I have life. Every good thing in my life is from you and belongs to you, Lord. You are worthy of more praise than this. You are worthy! Your name brings me gladness because in you I find identity, peace, hope, friendship, romance, counseling, laughter, strength, and wisdom. I wake up knowing that each day is an opportunity to be with you. I go to sleep knowing that every moment to come is protected by you. You are my Everlasting Lord.