I planned on saving more money this summer. I planned on
being at my current job for the next two years. I planned on being ready to
move into a new place right about now.
Instead, I lived on a tight budget to pay the ridiculous
student fees for a summer class (and accrued a good chunk of debt to my parents
for the class’ tuition). I have no idea what my job situation will be in a
month. Each day at the office I’m made more aware of the uncertainty rather
than guided by helpful information. It’s hard to sign a lease without any
potential roommates and the possibility of not having a job soon, so the
prospect of moving back to my parents’ house in my hometown once again looms in
the distance.
“Well, at least you just did this whole thing a couple
months ago so you’re used to it!” someone chidingly encouraged me.
It’s true. My life in January was a less comfortable version
of my life today. Circumstances are similar, but I learned how strong I was
when I activated Christ’s power in me. I saw Him carry me through the storm,
blessing me the whole way. That storm was full of downpour, lightning, and
thunder…that’s why this one is just a mild sprinkle. The same questions have
not weighed on my mind this time because they’ve already been answered.
Though I would say that my body is exhibiting some symptoms
of stress, my spirit is still and peaceful. That’s why it’s good to go through
life’s storms. Because there’s always a storm in the distance, and you’ll know
how be more still the next time.