Monday, March 26, 2012

Date Day!

I remember my mother telling me about a relationship she had before she met my dad.  She dated this guy for a couple years, but after a while she found they were in a particular mundane routine.  She would get off work, go to his house, and they would just watch TV.  Blah.  She said to me, "At a certain point, I just realized that I didn't want to sit on the couch eating popcorn and watching TV for the rest of my life."

My time with God has become a little routine lately.  Also, I've just finished my third week at my new job.  When I was unemployed, I had so much time to just get up in the morning, make coffee, and spend as long as I wanted sitting at the kitchen table with God.  In the midst of adjusting to my new schedule, things have felt crazy and I found myself fitting God in whenever I found limited time to do so.  Last week I decided to set this Monday afternoon aside to just be with God.  Even though my to-do list has eighteen unfinished items on it (plus a few more floating in my head), I gave this afternoon to God.  Instead of fitting Him in, everything else is going to fit around Him for a change.  He's the center.  No plans, just open-ended time

It's been beautiful.  Perfect.  I can't imagine it being better.  This day has been full of worship, open-hearted communication, reassurance, and peace.  In order for God to respond to the many things on my mind, I had to give Him the time to speak.  As I made some big requests of my Lord, He took my vulnerability and changed it into confidence.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Precious Purity

The last couple weeks God has been reminding me daily to see myself through the lens which he sees me.  Each time I have asked him what exactly that looks like, he gives me these two words.  They've become so important to me I have decided to post these definitions next to my mirror.  Words cannot describe how special I feel when I am affirmed by my Creator like this.  It makes me stand up straighter as I step into each day with a confidently established identity that comes from the Master of Restoration.  The more I talk to God about how he sees me, the more motivated I am to live up to the daughter He created me to be.
What does God see in you that you may overlook on your own?