Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Awesome Unforeseen

Monday, my mom spent the night.  We caught up, we talked business, we laughed.  Then as we lay in my room in darkness, from the make-shift bed on the rug beside me I heard, "How can I pray for you this week?"  I shared some things, hesitant that my mom would ask for more information and try to parent me.  Instead, in her loving voice and from her loving heart, she prayed for me right then.

Yesterday, I was nervous.  And then, my apology was accepted.  I was taught instead of reprimanded.  I learned.  I was loved.

Today I felt annoyed.  I started to complain, until I realized this opportunity to rely on God's love and not my own.  Where I am weak, He is strong.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Thankful Tree

Recently, in my home town of Chico, CA, locals have been writing notes about what they are thankful for and tying them to branches on the tree above.  As the tree has grown fuller with thanks, passersby can look at it as a reminder of how MUCH there is to be thankful for in our lives, no matter the circumstances.

What would you put on the tree?

Monday, August 22, 2011

All Who Are Thirsty

"All who are thirsty
All who are weak
Come to the fountain
Dip your heart in the stream of life
Let the pain and the sorrow
Be washed away
In the waves of his mercy
As deep cries out to deep"

As we sang these lyrics last night, I couldn't help but think of the hurting people from my hometown.  Of course it will take all of them a long time to heal from the pain that comes with the death of a friend, boyfriend, brother, and son.  The beautiful message of this song is that God wants to heal us.  God knows our pain and heartbreak and longs to comfort us.  Healing takes a long time, but God wants to guide each step of the process.  My prayer is for the hearts of those who are hurting now, and who will feel sorrow for many days to come.  My prayer is that they will be supported and allow God to carry them so that they heal better than they may imagine possible.